You Dig In & We Pitch In

Old Station is committed to making a meaningful impact not only in your yard but also in our shared community. We believe in fostering relationships and supporting initiatives that enhance the well-being and vitality of the neighborhoods we serve.

Visit Old Station for all your mulch and loam needs. From now until November 1st, for every yard of mulch or loam you purchase, we will donate $1 to a local charity nominated by our customers. Together, we can make a difference in OUR community.

Is there a local charity close to your heart?

Please inform us of your selection at the time of your purchase. You can nominate a charitable organization located within a 15-mile radius of Old Station. After November 1st, we will review all nominations and choose the charity to receive the donation.

We eagerly anticipate collaborating and joining efforts to contribute positively to our vibrant local community.