Nicolock’s Alpine Contemporary paving stones instantly elevate the aesthetic of your outdoor living area, enhancing patios, pool sides, walkways, sitting areas, and other outdoor spaces.

Crafted with paver-shield™ technology, Nicolock’s Alpine Contemporary pavers are available in a vibrant array of colors that contractors and homeowners can mix and match for customized designs. Our advanced manufacturing process ensures precise material measurement, creating a consistent and durable foundation. During production, iron oxide bonds with cement molecules, contributing to our superior color blending technique.

The Alpine Contemporary collection includes various sizes, designs, and colors, offering nearly limitless options for outdoor living spaces. Renowned for their deep, rich hues, our pavers feature a tight, smooth surface and exceptional strength, providing customers with a durable solution that enhances the vibrancy of landscaped areas.


Nicolock Alpine Contemporary adoble blend Nicolock Alpine Contemporary cappuccino blend Nicolock Alpine Contemporary Chesapeake Blend Nicolock Alpine Contemporary dove gray-heritage
Adobe Blend Cappuccino Blend Chesapeake Blend Dove Gray- Heritage
Nicolock Alpine Contemporary Golden Brown Blend Nicolock Alpine Contemporary Granite City Blend Nicolock Alpine Contemporary Graphite Pearl Blend Nicolock Alpine Contemporary hudson valley blend
Golden Brown Blend Granite City Blend Graphite Pearl Blend Hudson Valley Blend
Nicolock Alpine Contemporary Marble Blend Nicolock Alpine Contemporary Oceanic Blue Nicolock Alpine Contemporary Oyster Blend Nicolock Alpine Contemporary Pennsylvania Blue
Marble Blend Oceanic Blue Oyster Blend Pennsylvania Blue
Nicolock Alpine Contemporary sahara- heritage Nicolock Alpine Contemporary Snow- heritage Nicolock Alpine Contemporary South Bay blend Nicolock Alpine Contemporary Travertina
Sahara- Heritage Snow- Heritage South Bay Blend
Nicolock Alpine Contemporary Westchester
Westchester Blend

Shapes and Sizes:

 7 3/4″ x 15 5/8″ x 2 3/8″ 15 5/8″ x 15 5/8″ x 2 3/8″ 15 5/8″ x 23 1/2″ x 2 3/8″

Extra Information: 

  • Dove Gray, Snow, and Sahara are only available in 16×24 sizes

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