
DRY-TREAT 100N™ is a deep penetrating, permanent water-repelling sealer that protects engineering concrete from damage caused by water and water-borne chloride ion salts. Exposed surfaces become easier to clean, maintain and stay in service for longer. DRY-TREAT 100N™ provides lasting protection for engineering concrete. It is the ideal preventive maintenance measure to maintain the condition of a concrete structure by protecting it from deterioration or slowing down the rate of deterioration.

General Information 

Typical applications:

DRY-TREAT 100N™ is suitable for a wide variety of applications, including marine infrastructure (such as bridges, wharves and jetties), building facades, car parks and swimming pool surrounds.

Dry-Treat 100N is recognized by many Road Authority as world best practices protection for road bridges and specified by all of European countries and many others- here are some of the specifications: Europe (EN 1504-2), UK (BD43-03), Ireland (NG 1709) Australia (Specification AP-TS0168, AB-B23-Penetrating sealer, USA (National Cooperative highway research program report No. 244).


  • DRY-TREAT 100N™ is able to repel water and water-borne chloride ion salts (from de-icing salts and sea water).
  • Non film-forming.
  • Able to work without changing the appearance of the surface – keeps the original look.
  • Able to greatly reduce water uptake, freeze thaw spalling and salt spalling.
  • An excellent chloride ion salt screen by 98 per cent – ideal for marine and pool areas.
  • Highly water vapour permeable – able to breathe so there is no build-up of subsurface moisture allowing it dry out.
  • Deeply penetrating – protecting against weathering and wearing.
  • Solvent free – 100 per cent active ingredient; very alkali resistant – won’t breakdown in contact with cement based materials.
  • Able to seal hairline cracks up to 0.3 mm (0.012 in.), retards reinforcement corrosion (even in carbonated concrete), reduces alkali aggregate reactions and does not flake or peel.
  • The treatment can extend the service life of reinforced concrete by up to 107 years.


The treatment is considered permanent and A 30-YEAR PERFORMANCE WARRANTY is offered when applied by an Level 4 Dry-Treat Accredited Applicator following our written instructions and site treated samples tested by us.

Application rates:

Total application rate is one quart per 16 sq. ft (one litre per 1.67 sq.m.)

VOC Content:

< 390 g/L for EPA purposes.

Pack size:

5 Gallon (20 litres) and 50 Gallon (200 litres) steel drums.

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