
About Stoneyard:
Skilled artisans and craftsmen dedicated to preserving the beauty and durability of natural stone–locally producing thin stone veneer, building veneer, wallstone, and flagging products–from our hands to your home.

Featured Project Opportunity:
As a valued customer of Old Station Supply, we’d love to feature your completed Stoneyard project on our websites and social media pages.

To participate:
1. Capture High-Quality Photos: Take clear photos of your completed project, showcasing the unique details and how it enhances your space.
2. Submit Your Photos: Please email us at and with your photos and a brief description of your project.

By sharing your project, you’ll help inspire other homeowners considering
Stoneyard products. Your photos may be featured on the Stoneyard website, Old Stone Supply’s website, and social media pages for both companies.

We appreciate your time and look forward to seeing your stunning Stoneyard installation!